CONTENTS (#75, June 2011)

Editor: Diane Lyons

Click on the title of any article to view/download the full text as a PDF. 


Missing Shipwrecks, Methods or Imagining? A Preliminary Report onMaritime ArchaeologicalSurveys in Coastal Ghana, 2009 

Rachel L. Horlings, Darren Kipping, Casper Toftgaard Neilsen,and Kira Kaufmann


Prospections et Fouilles Archéologiques de la Mission « BoyekoliEbale Congo 2010 » (RDC)

A. Livingstone Smith, E. Cornelissen, W. Hubau and O. Ebosso 


Surveillance Archéologiques d’un Pédiment dans le Diamaré (ExtrêmeNord, Cameroun). 

Analyse Préliminaire des Artéfacts de Missinguileo 

Remy Dzou Tsanga

Redéfinition des Champs de Recherche Archéologique en Afrique.Enjeux Scientifiques d’un 

Nouveau Paradigme d’Etude des Cultures Anciennes et Subactuelles 

Martin Elouga


Sorghum Exploitation at Kassala and Its Environs, North EasternSudan by the 2nd and 

1st Millennium BC

Alemseged Beldado and Lorenzo Costantini


Recent Archaeological Survey and Excavation Around the GreaterKalokol Area, West Side 

of Lake Turkana: Preliminary Findings 

Amanuel Beyin

Technological Reconstruction and Experimental Archaeology

An Experimental Reconstruction of a Wollega Smelting Furnace andIts Application at the 

Center for Experimental Archaeology, Blera, Italy 

Temesgen Burka


Farming vs. Gold Mining in the Nyanga Highlands, Zimbabwe 

Robert Soper


Women’s and Gender Africanist Archaeology Network (WaGAAN) 

November 4, 2010, Dakar/Réseau Africain des Femmes Archéologuespour le Genre 

Sarah Croucher