CONTENTS (#79, June 2013)
Editor: Diane Lyons
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The Fortifications of Cairo:The Wall of Gawhar, Egypt, Mission Report 2012.
Stéphane Pradines
Limits of Ancient DNA Extraction from Teeth: The Case of Sudanese Nubia.
Vincent Francigny, Hege Hollund, Alex de Voogt, Eveline Altena, Peter de Knijff and Camille Fallet
Overview of Work Conducted in the Mafia Archipelago 2008 -2010.
Annalisa C. Christie
Archaeological Reconnaissance Between Lake Manyara and Engaruka,Tanzania, in 2003-2004.
Oula Seitsonen, Vesa Laulumaa and Martti Koponen
The KongoKing Project: 2012 Fieldwork Report from the LowerCongo Province (DRC).
Bernard Clist, Pierre de Maret, Gilles-Maurice de Schryver, Mandela Kaumba, Igor Matonda, Els Cranshof and Koen Bostoen
Prospections sur la Lindi (Province Orientale, Républiquedémocratique du Congo)
Els Cornelissen, Octave Ebosso Lihunzu , and Clément Mambu Nsangathi
Preliminary Analysis of the Distribution of Archaeological Sitesin the Yoko Subdivision of Cameroon.
Yannick Fouda
Shaping Rural Spaces: A Construction of Abak Architectural Ethnography.
Samuel Oluwole Ogundele and Esther Daniel Umoh
Excavations at Tin Tin Kanza (TTK), Northern Bénin.
Nadia Khalaf and Anne Haour
Louis Champion and Anne Haour
Nyanaoase, Akwamu: Further Archaeological Investigation.
Samuel Amartey
James Boachie-Ansah